SQLZOO Select Names Practices Solutions.


Find the country that start with Y

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE 'y%'


Find the countries that end with y

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%y';


Luxembourg has an x - so does one other country. List them both.

Find the countries that contain the letter x

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%x%'


Iceland, Switzerland end with land - but are there others?

Find the countries that end with land

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%land';


Columbia starts with a C and ends with ia - there are two more like this.

Find the countries that starts with C and end with ia

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE 'c%ia';


SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE 'c%' and name LIKE '%ia';


Greece has a double e - who has a double o?

Find the country that hass oo in the name

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%oo%';		


Bahamas has three a- who else?

Find the countries that have three or more a in the name

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%a%a%a%';


India and angola have an n as the second character.You can use the underscore as a single character wildcard

SELECT name FROM world WHERE name LIKE '_n%' ORDER BY name

Find the countries that have "t" as the second character.

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '_t%'
ORDER BY name;


Lesotho and Moldova both have two o characters separated by two other characters.

Find the countries that have two "o" characters separated by two others.

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%o__o%';


Cuba and Togo have four characters names.

Find the countries that have exactly four characters.

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '____'